We are partnering with the REALTOR® Foundation this August in support of their mission to end homelessness in Central Indiana! Our goal is to raise $25,000 to help their efforts. But we can't do it alone--together WE can be the key!
On Thursday, August 15 we'll be streaming LIVE across the internet from MIBOR Realtor Association. More details to come.
We'd love your support! There are several ways for you to sponsor or give. Learn more here:

We're glad you asked! The Live Stream-A-Thon is an all-day, talkshow style event, that is streamed on the internet. It's purpose is to raise awareness to the issue of homelessness in Central Indiana and our mission is to raise $25,000 in the process. Tune in throughout the day to catch interviews with various organizations in the region who support our homeless neighbors to learn more about who's affected and how you can make a difference.
9:00 - Welcome & Kick-Off
10:00 - Opinion: What's This For?!
11:00 - Meet a Foundation Grantee
12:00 - Complete a Challenge
1:00 - Meet a Name In Lights Sponsor
2:00 - Game Show # 5
3:00 - Meet the REALTOR® Foundation
4:00 - Meet a Foundation Grantee
5:00 - Conclusion

Our fundraising goal is $25,000 this year! Last year we raised $20,026 and we are confident we can surpass that this year. However, not without your help. We have several sponsorship levels and opportunities available for individuals and or companies.

This is our highest level of sponsorship!
Have your name or logo on all promotional materials including website and social media. Recognition throughout the broadcast by live, on-air mentions and commercials is included.
Starting contribution: $1,000

Bring a little levity to a sometimes heavy topic. For a minimum of $100, our hosts will agree to a challenge of your choosing (There are some restrictions). On-air recognition and logo presentation during the challenge included.

Sponsor one hour of the live-stream. During that hour you agree to match the donations received up to a predetermined amount (we recommend matching $500 - $2,000). On-air mentions and logo presentation included during your hour is included.

Come on down! And be the next contestant on one of our ridiculously fun gameshow segments. Your logo or brand will be included on promotional materials as well as on-air during your time with us.
Starting contribution: $250

Join us for either "Do We Need This?!" or "Buy or Sell" during the livestream. We'll include your brand or logo on all event communications including on-air mention and promotion during your segment.
Starting Contribution: $100